IRS audits can be intrusive and time consuming. Audits typically start with an Information Document Request (IDR) that will require you to produce any and all of the following: income tax returns, bank statements, cancelled checks, deposit slips, balance sheets, receipts, etc. Next, an IRS Revenue Agent will question you about your returns and the documents you have been required to produce.
Audits can be intimidating as they are conducted by a trained IRS agent who has at his or her disposal an army of CPAs and tax lawyers to provide technical support. Further, the Revenue Agent audits taxpayers all day, every day. For you an audit is hopefully a once in a lifetime occurrence.
Handled poorly, an audit can result in a significant increase in tax due as well penalties and interest. On rare occasions, IRS Revenue Agents refer cases for criminal investigation and prosecution.
Handled well, any intrusion into your personal or financial life can be minimized and additional tax liability can be avoided or limited.
Tax Attorney Lawrence Brown has deep experience representing individuals at IRS Audits. Lawrence Brown is a former Trial Attorney with the Department of Justice Tax Division. His private practice focuses on representing taxpayers in complex IRS audits.
If the matters at issue cannot be resolved to a taxpayer’s satisfaction at Audit, the taxpayer has 30 days to request that the IRS Appeals Office review the Revenue Agent’s findings. Mr. Brown has a proven track record at the IRS Appeals level.
To speak with a highly qualified tax lawyer regarding an IRS audit, please contact Brown, PC at 888-870-0025 or e-mail the law firm through this Web site for legal counsel regarding any and all matters relating to IRS audits. Our main offices are located in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas metroplex and we represent clients throughout the United States in complex IRS audits.