During the pandemic, people have had to adapt in ways that they never anticipated. For some, that has meant working from home instead of commuting to their office. It has also meant that individuals in Texas may be facing more complicated tax issues than they have in the past, particularly […]
Author: Lawrence Brown
The ways in which people handle money differ from person to person. For some, using offshore accounts may make sense for their financial situations, particularly if they hope to gain some kind of tax advantage. However, if parties do not report the necessary information regarding their foreign accounts to the […]
Most Texas residents have strong opinions when it comes to paying taxes. They may feel that they pay too much, that others should pay more or that they should qualify for more credits and deductions. These opinions may be even stronger for business owners who often face a double dose of taxes […]
Tax preparation involves a lot of paperwork, mathematics, and information. As a result, many taxpayers in Texas and across the country choose to go to professional tax preparers to have their tax returns completed and filed with the IRS. Understandably, taxpayers are looking to get the best outcome for their […]
Running a business means being focused on many areas of business simultaneously. If anything gets overlooked, a Texas company owner could face serious repercussions. In particular, business owners do not want to forget to handle tax-related matters. Even if the tax issue stems from genuine forgetfulness, the IRS could still […]
Having assets in offshore or foreign accounts is not unusual for many people living in Texas and other parts of the United States. The benefits of holding these accounts are attractive for many reasons, particularly when it comes to protecting wealth. However, it is necessary for individuals to report their […]
Being considered a suspect in a crime is not a matter to take lightly. At the first sign of suspicion, it is often beneficial for individuals to understand what may have led authorities to suspect the person of a crime, the type of alleged crime involved and available legal options. […]
Some people may think that working as a tax preparer is an easy job that people only have to go to a few months out of the year. On the contrary, Texas tax preparers have to stay updated with numerous tax law changes that take place throughout the year and […]
Running a small business is a dream of many Texas entrepreneurs. Recently, taking the steps to get a business up and running may have finally seemed appropriate. However, it is time to consider the tax obligations of that business. If owners have not filed business taxes before, they may understandably […]
However, complying with laws and regulations is essential in avoiding potential criminal penalties. In some cases, individuals may realize that an issue with their offshore accounts has occurred and could benefit from voluntary disclosure. Voluntary disclosure allows a person who knows he or she has violated tax-related laws to voluntarily […]