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Offshore Accounts/International Tax Disputes

February 5, 2017


The Federal government, including the IRS, is engaged in intensifying efforts to increase collection of taxes on assets and income originating in other countries. U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have assets and income from abroad should be alert to the likelihood of being targeted in an audit. Take action now to avoid litigation or prosecution later.

Even if you have, or if your business has, successfully kept assets overseas without reporting them to the IRS for years, do not assume that it will continue to be safe to do so. Get legal advice now and take steps to disclose assets before you are forced to do so. If you have already been notified that you are to be audited, contact a knowledgeable tax lawyer immediately.

See the web pages listed below for information on how Brown, PC, can help you address your offshore accounts and prevent or resolve international tax disputes.

This page will contain a list of links to organize and provide navigation to information on your website
