Texas Non-Tax Financial Crimes Defense Attorney
In addition to criminal tax work, Brown, PC is fully equipped to defend clients against any and all types of financial crime allegations. Our clients range from high net worth individuals to large privately held businesses. We are known for our ability to combine aggressiveness with strategic thought in a way that few other firms can match.
If you have been charged with a financial crime of any kind, call 888-870-0025 or contact our Texas-based law firm online to discuss your options.
Structuring: A Focus of the IRS
One of the crimes that IRS task forces in major metropolitan areas focus on is called structuring. Here is a rough outline of the crime and how people often find themselves accused:
Any transaction involving more than $10,000 in cash must be reported to the government. Practically speaking, banks are tasked with reporting cash deposits in excess of the $10,000 threshold. Imagine a depositor who has $50,000 to put in the bank. He is aware of the reporting requirement but wants to avoid it. Therefore, he comes in to the bank and deposits $9,000 on Monday, $9,000 on Tuesday and so on. This is an example of illegal structuring.
There are, however, many businesses whose operations generate daily revenues approaching the $10,000 threshold. Those business owners are very likely to deposit the funds daily, rather than hold on to that much cash. Over time, a pattern of deposits of just under $10,000 emerges. This is not structuring because there is no intent to avoid the reporting requirement, and it is not a crime.
Our Texas attorneys defend clients across the U.S. who stand accused of structuring. Our clients include business people from a broad range of blue and white collar industries whose businesses generate considerable cash revenue.
Defending a Variety of Other Financial Crimes
In addition to structuring, we handle cases on behalf of those charged with any number of other non-tax financial crimes, including:
- Money laundering
- Wire fraud and mail fraud
- Accounting fraud
- Embezzlement
- Skimming
Contact a Texas Criminal Tax Lawyer
If you are under investigation or have been charged with any financial crime in Texas or anywhere in the United States, call on the talented professionals at Brown, PC for help. Schedule a confidential consultation by calling 888-870-0025 or by contacting our Fort Worth law firm online.