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What does it mean to be labeled a tax cheat?

Though the idea of paying taxes is one that can cause much grumbling among Texas residents, not paying could cause serious issues. If the Internal Revenue Service suspects a person of intentionally avoiding the payment of taxes, it is possible for an investigation to begin and possible criminal charges to […]

Tax Fraud

Identity theft can cause a serious tax issue

Many Texas residents feel a sense of relief once they have their tax return filed. However, they may feel a pit in their stomach if they receive a notice that their return has been rejected. While this can happen for various reasons, including due to simple mistakes, it may be […]

Tax Fraud

Tax fraud accusations come against former tax preparers

Accusations of trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the U.S. government can come with potentially steep penalties. If individuals are accused of tax fraud, they could face lengthy court proceedings, during which they will undoubtedly try to defend against the allegations. Unfortunately, these types of cases can […]

Tax Fraud